Disclaimer: These materials and information are intended for informational purposes only. Although provided by the property owner, some of the information may be dated, be subject to change, or may not reflect the most current or accurate information. It is the buyer's responsibility to verify the accuracy and correctness of the materials or information.

Info About the Home

1. Age of years:   notes/recent updates:
  a. Home  
  b. How long have you owned it  
  c. How long have you lived there  
  d. Furnace  
  e. A/C  
  f. Roof  
  g. Electrical  
  h. Windows  
  i. Deck  
  j. Flooring  
  k. Kitchen  
  l. Bathroom  
  m. Garage Doors  
  n. Plumbing  
  o. Hot tub  
  p. Generator  

Home Details

2. Type of Heating And Cooling
  Type How many Wett Certificate
  Type of cooling/AC

3. Electrical Service

4. Knob and Tube wiring? If so what percentage? %

5. Water Source
  Last water test taken Ultraviolet light
  Purification System Location Well record Yes No
  Well age Well depth Well report

6. Sewer
  Septic Sketch/Drawings Location of Tank & Bed
  Last date pumped Last date Inspected Date installed
  Septic Original Yes No

7. Type of Insulation? Vermiculite UFFI Sound Proof
  Pink Bats Blown in Spray Foam

8. Survey Available?        
Any Irregularities (encroachments, right-of-way, or any special agreements).
Floor Plans?      

9. Basement - Full
  Bedrooms Flooring Type
  Bathrooms Fireplace & Type


9. Cost of Monthly Average:   notes:
  a. Electric  
  b. Water & Sewer  
  c. Heating  
  d. Gas  
  e. Taxes  
  f. Other  

About the Neighborhood

10. Schools and Walkscore    Click here to view school information

11. Amenities

12. Inclusions: Items Included With The Sale
a. Appliances        
b. Exterior        
c. Pool        
d. Chattel        
e. Rentals        
f. Notes - Updates        

13. Exclusions: Items Excluded With The Sale
14. Feature Areas Influences

15 a. Interior Features
b. Bathroom        
  2pc 3pc
  4pc 5pc
c. Bedrooms        
Main Floor
2nd Floor

16. Additional Documents
Covenants and Restrictions